I am so excited! My EP, “Stepping Stone” comes out tomorrow! My final “Inspiration Behind the Song” will be coming out tomorrow too and I’m very excited to share it with you as I’ve never written a song that means more to me than that one, so please read it!!

I’ll briefly talk about “Cause of You”. In all honesty, “Cause of You” was me daydreaming. I was listening to a lot of Savage Garden and was inspired by their song “I Want You” and also inspired by Taylor Swift’s “Love Story”. This song was about being in love and how amazing that feels: The idea that when you meet the right person, everything in your life seems to fall into place and you’re in the clouds.

The song will be available for purchase tomorrow on iTunes as well as through my website for a physical CD. My website store (launching tomorrow) will also have some promotional merchandise that I’ve been working on.


Now, onto other topics. I’m attempting the crockpot again today! I probably never mentioned this but I have a gigantic fear of using the stove. However, I finally learned a few months ago to use the crockpot instead. I know. I’m 22 and it probably sounds like it took me a really long time to learn to cook anything for myself but, come on. I married a chef. You can’t blame me for wanting to eat delicious meals instead of my amateur attempts at something supposedly called food. I’m not kidding. A few years back, I tried making spaghetti. It took three tries and to be honest, I still didn’t get it. I even called my now husband (who was in New Zealand at the time cooking at work), and he was practically rolling on the floor laughing… I am pretty proud though now! I did finally learn how to make spaghetti a few weeks ago. And, my crockpot recipes are actually pretty good. Gwith even comes home wanting to eat my dishes. It’s incredibly shocking! Tonight, I’m making a maple-cinnamon apple chicken. Fingers crossed that it tastes as good as it sounds!

What did everyone think of Graceland last week? My husband was a little annoyed at me because I fell asleep during it. Whoops. I did end up re-watching it with him though. I’m still feeling uncertain about the show. It seems like it might be starting to get more interesting, but then again, it seems like I might be saying that every week. I think the problem I’m having with the show is that the writers have given me no reason to care about any of these characters. I want to care. I wanted to watch the end of last week’s episode and cry: “Poor Charlie! Her CI died and now I can’t believe she’s going to take drugs to get further on this case! How will she get out of this?” But instead, my reaction was more like: “Yup. Charlie found her CI dead. Oh. Now she’s taking this drug? Maybe the show will get more interesting now? I hope…”. I’m going to keep trying to watch the show. My hubby is enjoying it after all and who knows? Maybe if I watch it while I actually have some energy, I’ll enjoy it too.

Two days until Covert Affairs returns on USA! I am psyched for some Annie/Auggie action. I feel like I’ve been waiting years for this…even though I only watched the entire show for the first time last winter. But still. It’s been a long time coming!

What was your first attempt at cooking? Or were you just born with talent like my husband? Did you enjoy Graceland? Am I just missing something? Are you tuning in for Covert Affairs?

Chicken Quesadillas was the first meal I ever successfully made with the crock pot! Gwith loves Mexican food and because of my allergy to bell peppers, he can rarely have it. So this dish (pepper free of course) was a big surprise when he came home from work!

One Reply to “Inspiration Behind the Song: “Cause of You”, Learning to Cook (Sort of), and Graceland”

  1. Those quesadillas look AMAZING. ::feels hungry now::I definitely get a Savage Garden vibe from that song. (And I love Savage Garden, so that's kind of awesome :))I'm torn…I love Annie/Auggie, but I'm also a bit of an Annie/Eyal shipper, so I want to see more of them too. And Simon/Annie was pretty great, too. Apparently, Annie's just awesome with everyone.

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