As I entered the third month of my pregnancy, I still dealt with nerves but my super-smelling nose had definitely taken on a life of it’s own. My favorite story is in this chapter, when my husband came home smelling like the food he ate and had to jump threw an insane amount of hoops just to please me.

My Rainbow Baby Diary: Chapter 2 – “My Fears”
Getting through the second month was challenging to say the least. The symptoms would come and go and I was over analyzing every moment. Yet, the entire time, I had a little voice in my head telling me that this time, everything was going to be okay. I hope you enjoy reading chapter two of my rainbow baby diary, from the stressful moments to the wacky hormones, over-the-top reactions, and our first ultrasound.

My Rainbow Baby Diary: Chapter 1 – “The Beginning”
I’ve had a secret. A big secret. A secret I’ve been hiding partially because I don’t want the world to know too soon after last time, but partially because I’m worried saying anything will jinx it.
Try. Try. and Try Again.
It’s almost that time again. That time I dread every […]
When Preschool Doesn’t Go as Planned…
I came home from Nashville to find we were taking […]

Toddler’s First Day of Preschool
You know it’s a big milestone in life when it’s […]
Late Night Thoughts
It’s 4am and I’m awake again. I’m not going to […]
The Days After
I’ve been spending the past few days in a state […]

The Worst Day of My Life
The day I found out I miscarried our child was the worst day of my entire life but instead of living in the shadows, I’ve chosen to share my story. You are not alone.
The Friendship Chapter: Does Parenthood Really Change Everything?
Since becoming pregnant, I joined a pregnancy forum. Surprisingly, most […]