Making the decision to move to New Zealand wasn’t an easy one. There’s been a lot of emotions and planning involved. But ultimately, it will be worth it.

The 18 Year Old Boss: Focus on the Journey
It can be hard finding success in life. But success is subjective, isn’t it? It’s time I evolve my mindset and focus on the journey not the destination.

My Children are Opposites…and I Love Every Minute of It!
It’s no surprise that my children are opposites. Do I compare my children? No. But do I observe their differences so as their mother I can guide them the best I can? Absolutely.

Why We Fight: New Beginnings with the Biden Presidency
I don’t normally talk politics but today I’m going to make an exception. As a parent, Saturday’s news has filled me with so much relief. For the past 4 years, I’ve wondered. How do you tell your children that being cruel and mean can make you the most powerful person in America? Now, I can tell my children that hate doesn’t make you a leader. I can tell my children that compassion, honesty, morality, and integrity does.

Helping Your Child Find Their Passion
As a parent of a young child, it can be so hard to figure out what our child will feel passionate about. Will that basketball we get them make them dream of being a pro athlete? Will that little piano be their first steps to being the next Mozart? Or will that doctor’s kit be their first steps to dreams of medical school? You just never know.

My Rainbow Baby Diary (Chapter 4): Finding Peace
As I entered my 12th week, I was still a bundle of nerves and yet I could feel myself finally coming to peace with my journey.

The Preschool Bully
In life, we all encounter bullies at some point. Whether […]

Toddler’s First Day of Preschool
You know it’s a big milestone in life when it’s […]
The Friendship Chapter: Does Parenthood Really Change Everything?
Since becoming pregnant, I joined a pregnancy forum. Surprisingly, most […]
Go. Go. Go. (Because No Matter What, You Have to Try)
It’s been over a year since I wrote a blog […]