Is screen time truly bad for your child? Positive screen time can aid your child’s educational experience from learning to read to coding & creating 3D designs!

The Best Picture Books Adapted from Famous Movies & TV Shows
Your holiday gift list ideas for the best children’s picture books adapted from your favorite movies & TV shows from Friends, Buffy, Back to the Future & more!

How to Make Your Child’s Playroom Epic with Play Rugs!
Expand your child’s gameplay with interactive play rugs that will transform their playroom. Wide 5″ roads fit Playmobil, Lego, Calico Critter, Little People cars and more! Choose between a small town, cityscape, beach town, or snowy retreat! All rugs can connect to expand their world even more.

The Most Important Activities to Discuss Discrimination with Your Preschooler
There are a lot of people who feel discrimination is too sensitive of a topic for young kids, yet kids of all ages don’t choose how their treated and they deal with discrimination on a daily basis. It’s extremely important to approach this topic head on, especially at a young age. I spent a day of homeschooling for my son complete with books and activities to teach him about the sensitive topic.

The Best Homeschooling Trip to Outer Space
My son is back home from school again and this time I’m designing theme days! Our first adventure took us to Outer Space where we designed a rocket ship, baked “Astronaut Ice Cream” meringues, made moon rocks, and more!