If you’ve read my post on How to Throw an Epic Minecraft Birthday Party, you are probably wondering how to make Minecraft party decorations! On this page, you will find everything you need to know about how to make a Minecraft Crafting Table, the mystery craft boxes, Minecraft Building Blocks, a DIY Creeper Target, a DIY Wither Target, the End Dimension Portal, and the Enderdragon Piñata.
I’ve also included the smaller crafts: how to make a Minecraft diamond sword, Netherite ingot, Gold ingot, diamond ore box, book pages, and recipe cards!
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How to Make Minecraft Crafting Table Board

What You Need:
- Double Sided Black Foam Board
- Grey Card Stock Paper
- Glue
- Scissors (or preferably a Cricut)
How to Make the Minecraft Crafting Table:
- Measure the size of your board. Based on the size, decide how big you want each square to be. I based the square sizes on the size of the largest object that would be placed on the board.
- Either enter the size of the square into the Cricut or cut by hand on grey card stock paper.
- Glue the squares down. You want to make sure it’s a 3 by 3 table with an arrow and one larger box for the “craft”.
- On the other side of the board, glue three boxes with a plus in between two and an arrow in between the other two. This is the Upgrade Gear Minecraft table.

How to Make Minecraft Mystery Boxes

If I had been even more ambitious, I may have decorated these boxes to look like Minecraft treasure boxes. However, this worked out just fine!
When the kids finished “crafting” their items on the crafting table, they opened the box labeled for their specific craft.
What You Need:
- Cardboard Boxes (whatever size fits the items going inside)
- Sticker Paper
- Black or Silver Wrapping Paper
- Black Electrical Tape

How to Make the Minecraft Mystery Box:
- Wrap the box using wrapping paper, but don’t enclose it completely. You want to keep the flaps openable!
- Once the item is inside the box, tape the flaps down using the electrical tape.
- Print out stickers with the Minecraft craft recipe and box number so you remember what part of the Scavenger hunt the box is for!
How to Make Minecraft Building Boxes
While time consuming, this was not too difficult to do!

What You Need:
- 6x6x6 Cardboard Boxes
- White Wrapping Paper
- Green Wrapping Paper
- Red Wrapping Paper
- Silver Wrapping Paper
- Sticker Paper
- A printer!
- Minecraft texture templates
- Clear packaging tape
- Clear gift wrapping tape

How to Make Minecraft Building Blocks:
- Construct the boxes with clear packaging tape.
- Wrap the boxes according to the design you’re planning to print.
- For wooden patterned boxed, I didn’t need to wrap them and just placed the stickers on them.
- For the grass and dirt patterned boxes, I only covered the top half with green wrapping paper.
- For the remaining boxes, I fully enclosed them with wrapping paper.
- Print out the textures on sticker paper. Cut the page in half, lengthwise and wrap around 3/4 of the box.
- Repeat with as many boxes as you need!
How to Make Minecraft Creeper Target
I was able to whip this out really quickly, and you can too! It doesn’t require a lot of resources either!

What You Need:
- Three boxes: One for the head (I used a Pampers box), one for the feet (I used an Amazon box), and one long skinny one for the body (I used the Amazon box the arrows for the bow and arrow I ordered for this activity came in!)
- Green wrapping paper
- Black Vinyl
- Dark Green Vinyl
- Cricut
- Scissors
- Clear gift wrapping tape

How to Make a Minecraft Creeper Target:
- Wrap each box using the green wrapping paper.
- Cut this Cricut template I created for the face and body parts on black and dark green vinyl
- Place the vinyl onto the boxes as shown in the photo!

*One Tip: Before decorating the boxes, set it up and make sure you can knock it down yourself with the Bow and Arrow if you’re using it for a target activity!
How to Make Minecraft Wither Target

What You Need:
- One tall skinny box
- One long wide thin box
- Two small square boxes
- One larger square or rectangle shaped box
- 6 toilet paper rolls
- Black wrapping paper
- Silver Vinyl
- Cricut
- Scissors
- Clear gift wrapping tape

How to Make a Wither Target:
- Wrap each box and toilet paper roll in black wrapping paper.
- Measure the boxes for the faces. Cut eyes and mouth to appropriate size either by hand or using the Cricut on silver vinyl.
- Place the vinyl on the boxes as shown in the picture.
- Attach paper towel rolls using clear tape to the body. 3 on each side!
How to Make The End Dimension Minecraft Portal

What You Need:
- Lots of boxes! If you have diaper or wipes boxes, those would be best! Some of the boxes I had were different sizes and I had to stuff with cardboard in areas to match it. This is not ideal so save your boxes if you can!
- One large wide box
- Black wrapping paper
- Sticker Paper
- Scissors
- Clear gift wrapping tape
- Masking tape
How to Make The End Dimension Portal

- Tape the boxes together into two tall towers using masking tape.
- Wrap both towers and the other long box in black wrapping paper, each.
- Print out End Dimension Portal stickers
- Cut out the stickers and place them on the towers.
How to Make Minecraft Enderdragon Piñata

What You Need
- 1 Tissue Box
- 1 Large Pampers Box (or similarly sized box)
- Cardboard
- Plenty of Card stock
- Black Streamer Strips
- Silver Streamer Strips
- Purple Streamer Strips
- Wooden dowels
- Cricut
- Poster board
How to Make an Enderdragon Piñata from Minecraft
I’d love to give a step-by-step on how this amazing piñata was made, however, the credit goes to my parents who spent endless hours building it, and therefore, I was not a huge part of the process (although I did help with some aspects!).

The best I can do is tell you the basics of how each part was made. The large box was used as the body and my mom connected it to the tissue box with a box in between as the neck. She made many different sized boxes out of card stock and had be cut them out on the Cricut for her. These boxes were used for the eyes, scales, and legs. Using duct tape, the legs were attached to the main body.
To craft the wings, they duct taped together wooden dowels to create a long dowel that went through the box. The wings, made from poster board, were secured to the dowel using duct tape. The wing was covered with black streamer strips and painted silver between. My parents decided to add feathers with the streamer paper as well!
The streamer paper was glued to the boxes and sometimes in multiple layers to cover and duct tape used. Duct tape was far more successful than glue when it came to attaching parts like the mouth, the legs, the wings, and the tail! All of the scales were glued on.

Other Party Crafts…
Minecraft Scavenger Hunt Items
For the Scavenger Hunt, I had to make some of the different items the kids collected!

I crafted the following items:
- 3 Sugarcane
- Diamond Sword
- 14 Netherite Scrap
- Netherite Ingot
- 4 Gold Ingots
- 14 Diamond Ore Boxes
How to Make Minecraft Sugarcane and the Minecraft Diamond Sword
What You Need:
- 1 Large Foam Board
- Sticker Paper
- X-Acto Knife
To craft both of these items, I printed out pictures on sticker paper and attached them to foam board. I used an x-acto knife to cut them out. The sugarcane took a bit longer because it was more intricate but I love how it turned out.
How to Make Minecraft Gold Ingot, Netherite Ingot, and Netherite Scrap
What You Need:
- Four small thin rectangular boxes (I used boxes that were from a set of kids party favor chalk)
- One medium rectangular box (I used a box that an adapter cord came in for my Mac)
- 3 Gold glitter foam sticky sheet
- 2 Black glitter foam sticky sheets
- Medium Tip 1.0 Violet Cricut Pen
To decorate the boxes, I measured the box and cut the foam sheets to size. I attached using the stick side against the box. To make the Netherite scrap, I cut out scraps of the black glitter foam sheet and folded them so it stuck to itself. On both the scraps and the Netherite Ingot, I used the Violet Cricut pen to make dots throughout, as Netherite is a purplish-black tone.
How to Make Mini Diamond Ore Boxes from Minecraft
What You Need:
- White 8.5 x 11 Card Stock Paper
- Diamond Ore Pattern
- Cricut
- Clear gift wrapping tape
- Fake diamonds
To make the diamond ore box, I printed out the Diamond Ore pattern. Then, I cut out the box size using my Cricut. I did a 2×2 box for my design, based on the diamonds I got from Michaels. I folded the box up and taped it together.
Minecraft Book Pages and Recipe Cards
The other integral part of the party were the Book Page clues and the Recipe Cards!
For the book pages, I found a picture online of the blank pages from Minecraft the Minecraft journal. I installed a free Minecraft font and created the pages.

As for the recipe cards, I researched the recipes I wanted the kids to put together. Once I figured them out, I recreated them on Photoshop. I’ve included a blank layout for you to use, if you wish to create these cards yourself!

All of the items I was able to find on the Minecraft Wiki and most came without backgrounds so it was easy to add them.
For details on the full Minecraft Birthday Party, including decorations, games, party favors, and food suggestions, visit my other blog post! Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram!