When my son told me he wanted a Minecraft Birthday Party, I honestly had no idea what the would entail. This was the first theme where that I knew nothing about. Being me though, I dove straight into the deep end. Even if you are not the same level of crazy that I am, there are plenty of ideas from this party you can use when planning a Minecraft Birthday Party theme of your own! Whether you’re looking for Minecraft party ideas for activities and games, decorations, the food table, party favor bags, or the cake, you will find it all here.
Before I delve in, I’d like to share with you the biggest challenge of all as a parent: For two whole months, I had to actually listen intently to what my 6 year old was saying about Minecraft. Not just listen, I had to jot down notes. It was not an easy job but somebody had to do it!
Between my son’s endless knowledge of the game he lives and breaths, and many trips down the Pinterest rabbit hole, I collected various ideas.
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Basic Minecraft Birthday Party Cliff Notes for Moms
Let’s begin, shall we?
- The game of Minecraft heavily features three concepts: collecting and crafting items, building out of blocks, and fighting off evil creatures.
- There are specific areas in the world of Minecraft:
- The Nether is a lava filled area where The Wither roams around and Netherite can be found. The Nether can be entered through a purple and black portal.
- The End Dimension: is the black scary dark area where The Enderdragon is located and can be entered through The End Portal.
- The Fields/The Plains: All of my research said the main grassy area in the game is called the Plains but my son insisted it was called the Fields. Either way, this is the basic world.
- The Badlands: A sandy area where gold ingot can be found.
- The Forest: This name is self explanatory.
- The Village: Wherever the town or city is being built is referred to as The Village.
- A range of potions can be crafted and collected including:
- The Potion of Healing
- The Potion of Fire Resistance
- The Potion of Invisibility
- As well as the running potion, jumping potion, and leaping potion
- There are more but I think these are some of the most important for a game or just your drink display!
- To fight the monsters, various weapons are used. Bow and Arrow, swords, etc. The Diamond Sword is one of the most powerful swords, however, the Netherite Sword is the most powerful of all and is the only sword that can defeat the Enderdragon in The End Dimension.
- Dangerous Things in the World of Minecraft Include:
- Creepers
- The Wither Skeleton
- The Enderdragon
- Lava
Minecraft Birthday Party Food Ideas
I kept it simple as I made sure to time the party after lunch. I wanted to make sure there were some snacks but I didn’t want to go overboard.
Snacks and Beverages

For the food table, I offered carrots, cheese (labeled as lava), apple slices (labeled as golden apples, a very important item in the game), and popcorn. I also designed potion labels for the small water bottles and offered two potions: Potion of Healing and Potion of Fire Resistance. I’ve never seen kids so excited to drink water before! The kids were also very enthusiastic about the lava cheese and kept daring each other (and my husband) to eat it.

In the end, all of the food was a success and the platter was pretty much cleared by the end of the party.
Minecraft Birtday Cake
For the cake, my son requested a Minecraft Steve Cake. Honestly, I thought this would be simpler than my past cakes but the frosting detail took me quite a while in the end. We baked two cakes and used one for the chest/legs and cut the other for the head and arms. I used the star tip for the hair, as well as for the pants and shirt. For the eyes, I made white icing instead of using the buttercream frosting.

Minecraft Birthday Party Favor Bags

For party favor bags, I ordered Minecraft themed bags from Amazon which came with bracelets. I also ordered a set of themed party favors which included straws, notepads, and stickers. Additionally, I added fake diamonds and a note for his friends to fill out with my son’s Minecraft Server information so they can play the game together!
Minecraft Birthday Party Decorations
Setting the Scene
I’m all about making the party come to life as best I can. Because of the different activities within the party, I had various “areas” set up for the party.
Decorating The Minecraft Village
The first area where the kids entered and spent a majority of their time was in The Village. In this area, I decorated using the basic items you can find at the store or online: Minecraft table covers and TNT table settings. For plates and utensils, I got a Minecraft themed party set. The food table was a small folding table, where I placed custom food labels, and a Minecraft Character Cut-Out I made of my son using foam board. Beside the table, I popped up a disposable red trash bin that I labeled TNT with a sticker.

For the months leading up to the party, I decorated 75 6x6x6 boxes for the kids for a building activity during the party (you can learn how to make the boxes here). In The Village, I set up these boxes as buildings before the party began.

For the main table, we used our ping pong table. We covered it with a Minecraft table cover and placed the Crafting Board I made (learn how to make it here), along with the Mystery “Craft Boxes”, maps for the kids, and envelopes with the clues.

Decorating The Nether from Minecraft
The other main party area was The Nether. My son is obsessed with all things lava so I knew I had to make this area epic. I ordered plenty of lava table covers and my husband hung them up around the patio. We also secured some to the ground with very strong tape. I placed some small round stepping stone markers for the kids to hop across the lava.

At the end of the lava was The Wither Skeleton and The Creeper on each side. You can learn how to make these targets here. In the lava, I placed netherite scraps I made from sticky black glitter foam.

At each end of the Nether, my husband hung party curtains to create the portal: Black on the sides and purple in the center.
Decorating The End Dimension from Minecraft
The final location for the party was The End Dimension. I crafted a portal by making towers from our many diaper and pampers boxes. You can learn how to make the portal here. Behind the portal, my husband hung up black party curtains.

Inside the End Dimension, we hung the Enderdragon Piñata for the final battle. You can learn how to make the Enderdragon Piñata here.

Minecraft Birthday Party Games
Minecraft Crafting Ideas for Kids
My son is not particularly crafty, so I will clear out of the way a few ideas first that I did not do. If your child is crafty, I highly suggest these: Craft a Minecraft Sword from Foam Board (pre cut and let the kids color it themselves or decorate with diamond stickers), Blank Building Boxes (kids can color and decorate their own Minecraft box; or print Minecraft sticker patterns and let the kids decorate with those), craft a paper torch, or craft a fishing rod. Crafting is a huge part of the game so if your kid is a crafter, I highly suggest doing some of these!
Minecraft Scavenger Hunt Ideas
As for my son’s Minecraft party, even though he’s not a crafter, I still made sure it was an integral theme for his party.
The general reoccurring activity was a Scavenger Hunt. I created a map of our yard, labeled with names from each area of the Minecraft world. The party was split into teams because my son invited many more kids than initially planned.
The Recipes
The goal of the party was to collect items and “craft” various Minecraft recipes. The recipes we did were:
- 3 Sugarcane craft Paper
- 3 Strings and 3 Sticks craft Bow and Arrow
- 4 Gold Ingots and 4 Netherite Scraps craft Netherite Ingot
- 2 Diamond and 1 Stick craft The Diamond Sword
- 1 Diamond Sword plus 1 Netherite Ingot craft The Netherite Sword
- 3 Buckets, 2 Sugar Pouches, 1 Egg, and 3 Wheatgrass craft Cake

What You Need
- 3 Sugarcane
- 3 Strings with Fake Spiders Attached
- 4 Sticks
- 1-2 Bow and Arrow Sets (plus an extra arrows set)
- 4 Netherite Scraps
- 4 Gold Ingot
- 1 Netherite Ingot
- 2 Diamonds in Diamond Ore Boxes (or one for each kid)
- 1 Diamond Sword
- 1 Netherite Sword
- 3 Buckets
- 1 Fake Egg (I used an Easter egg)
- 3 Fake Wheatgrass (can be found at local craft stores)
- 2 Sugar Pouches (any small pack of candy will do!)

Page #1: The Sugarcane
For each team leader, I printed out cards with clues on them. The first clue said the following:
“The pages are missing! Find and collect 1 sugarcane in The Fields. Then, bring your sugarcane to the crafting table and help the other teams craft the missing page 2.”
In the months prior to the party, I printed and cut out the sugarcane from foam boards (learn how to make them here). I had three in the yard, one for each team.
When the kids arrived back to “The Village”, where the Crafting Table was located, they placed their sugarcane on the Crafting Board (learn how to Make the Minecraft Crafting Table here). Three sugarcane creates paper, therefore they “crafted” their next paper clue. Inside an envelope was Clue #2.

Page #2: The Stick and The String
The second clue said the following:
There’s a giant creeper and wither somewhere around here. Your team needs to help craft a bow and arrow to defeat them!
Find 1 stick and 1 string in The Fields. Bring them to the crafting table and help the other teams craft the bow and arrow.
I placed sticks in the forest for each team and strings in the field. A week before the party, while collecting information from my son, I found out that string is normally found with spiders and spiderwebs in the game. I made sure to tie a fake spider to each piece of string before hanging it somewhere in the yard.
The kids all scampered into the yard and collected their items. They arrived back at the Crafting Table and placed their items into the squares to create the next recipe.
Each “crafted” item, I placed in mystery boxes that I wrapped. When the item was “crafted”, the kids got to open the box to reveal what they made.
After placing their string and sticks, they crafted the Bow and Arrow, which I ordered from Amazon. In the end, I had two sets because of the number of kids that came to the party. Along with the Bow and Arrow was a note:
The Wither and Creeper have threatened to Destroy the Village. Bring the bow and arrow to The Nether and defeat them before it’s too late!
Minecraft Archery Activity
Creeper Target and Wither Target

The kids all headed to the Lava decorated portion of the backyard, called The Nether. In the months prior, I built a Creeper and Wither out of boxes. I even play tested them with the bow and arrow to ensure they could be knocked down. You can learn how to make these DIY targets here.

The adult team leaders carried the bows and arrows to the Nether and the kids all lined up in two lines to take turns battling the monsters.
The kids absolutely LOVED this part of the game and excitedly took their turns and continued rotating in the lines getting a chance to fight both monsters. Ironically, the wind was knocking down the creatures every five minutes before the party, and yet, when the kids were shooting their arrows, they would not budge for a while! When the kids did finally knock them down though, they were so satisfied because it felt like a true victory! The Wither was easier to knock down than the Creeper because it was so finely balanced. I think it worked out having one easy one and one tough one!

After both creatures were knocked down, I revealed a note in the “lava”. The note read:
You are too late! We already destroyed your village and you’ll never be able to rebuild it in time.
Each team then received a card, Page #3, instructing them on the next activity. The card read:
With your teammates, go to The Village and grab a set of boxes labeled for your team. Decide as a team what you want to build together! You have 10 minutes to build. When you’re done, you will get page 4.
Minecraft Box Building Activity
In the months prior to the party, I decorated a whopping 75 boxes. Originally I planned on 50, but again, as the party size grew, so did the boxes!

The kids arrived at the village where they found all of the boxes on the ground. In hindsight, I would’ve done one of three things: Had the boxes pre-separated into piles for each team, labeled the boxes for each team for the kids to find and collect, or just skipped the whole “build as a team” on the instructions.

In the end, the kids all ran at the boxes and started building with each other, regardless of teams. It went fine and the kids did not remotely care about anything other than building at that point. It was just a bit hectic for a moment (for me!). The kids had the time of their life building their own creations together!
Once they were done, the teams each received their next clue.
Back to…Minecraft Scavenger Hunt Ideas
Page #4: Netherite Scrap and Gold Ingots
The team captain read the next page, which said the following:
In the Nether, each team member must collect one netherite scrap. Then go to the Badlands as a team to collect 1 gold Ingot. Finally, go to the crafting table and help the other teams craft the Netherite Ingot.
The kids ran off to collect their items. One team was instructed to collect 2 gold ingots, as two were needed for the recipe.
When the kids arrived at the table, they placed their Netherite scraps and Gold Ingots into the squares.

The next craft box “appeared” for them to open. I handed the box to my son to make sure he had a turn and he opened the box to find the Netherite Ingot they crafted. He was overjoyed as he waved it around!

Along with the Netherite Ingot was the next clue.
Page #5: Diamond Ore Boxes
The next page read the following message:
Explore the world with your team. Each teammate must collect a diamond ore box. With your team, go to the crafting table and break open your box. Then, help the other teams craft the Diamond Sword.
One card also instructed a team to find 1 stick as well. The kids ran off into the yard to each collect their own Diamond Ore box. These boxes were simple to make. I printed the pattern on card stock and then cut out the 2×2 box using the Cricut. Inside each box I placed a fake diamond. You can find more details on how to make a Diamond ore box yourself, here.

When the kids returned to the Crafting Table, they broke opened their boxes to find their diamonds. They were all in awe over their gems, showing them off to each other.

The kids placed their diamonds and the stick into the boxes on the Crafting Table and crafted their next item.
A friend of my son opened the mystery craft box to find the Diamond Sword inside. I created the diamond sword by printing out a sticker with the sword’s design and cutting it out of foam board. You can find the instructions on how to build it yourself, here. You can also purchase a Minecraft Diamond Sword from Amazon.

Crafting the Netherite Sword
I flipped over the board to reveal the Upgrade Gear Table from Minecraft. I instructed the kids to place the Diamond Sword they crafted and the Netherite Ingot they crafted onto the squares.
Once they crafted their next item, I handed them their final mystery box.
The kids opened the box and I instructed them that my son was to take out the item inside. When they opened the box, they found the Netherite Sword. I purchased this item from Amazon, so the kids were ECSTATIC that it was the “real” sword.

Along with the Netherite Sword was the final note for their last mission. The note read the following:
The Enderdragon has eaten the recipe for the birthday cake! Help defeat the Enderdragon to get the recipe.
After you’ve defeated the Enderdragon, collect what’s inside and go to your team leader to help put together the final recipe.
The Enderdragon Piñata
With my son holding the Netherite Sword, the kids ran off to The End Dimension for their battle with the Enderdragon. My parents spent the past few weeks crafting the piñata and did an amazing job! You can find details on how to make the Enderdragon Piñata yourself, here.

The kids ran through the portal and arrived at the dragon. They instantly started taking turns hitting it with the sword. I wasn’t sure the plastic sword would be strong enough for the battle but it proved to be and took down the Pampers box the piñata was made out of!
I handed out party favor bags to each of the kids to put their candy, and other collected items, in. We then headed back to “The Village” to put together the final recipe.
The Cake Recipe
When we arrived back at The Crafting Table, I asked all of the kids to take a seat. They were happy to comply as they were all interested in looking through their party favor bags. I asked who had the following items the Enderdragon had eaten:
The recipe page, 3 Bags of Wheat, 1 Golden Egg, and 2 Sugar Pouches (any bag of candy would do for this!).

The kids searched their bags and put the items on the board. I also placed the three buckets that are also required for the cake recipe. I had these on the table from the beginning of the party ready to go!
I announced to the kids that the cake was made! The kids rejoiced as my husband arrived with the cake and we all sang Happy Birthday. After the cake, we opened presents before the party ended.
Minecraft Birthday Party Wrap-Up
All in all, the party was a smashing success and the kids did not want to leave. Literally. Some of them were begging their parents to stay even though the party was officially over.
I’m not going to lie: it’s the day after the party and I am completely wiped out. But was it worth it? Thanks to the giant smile on my son’s face the entire time, I know it was. It can be easy to just throw a simple party. It would take a lot less time, that’s for sure! I spent two months on this party and in the past two days, I barely sat down as it all came to fruition.
It can be easy to wonder if the months of planning and the days of decorating are worth a 2 hour party. At the end of the day though, the memory of the party lasts a lot longer the 2 hours. Last year, my son’s Spy Themed Party was still the talk of his party guests 6 months later. I still discuss the princess party I had when I was 9 with my best friend. If you do the party right, those 2 hours will last a lifetime.
So again I ask myself, was it worth it?
Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram! For all of the details on how to build the crafts mentioned in this post, read my “How to Make Minecraft Birthday Party Crafts” blog here!