As a parent of a young child, it can be so hard to figure out what our child will feel passionate about. Will that basketball we get them make them dream of being a pro athlete? Will that little piano be their first steps to being the next Mozart? Or will that doctor’s kit be their first steps to dreams of medical school? You just never know.

I Let My 4 Year Old Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer
When is your child ready to watch certain movies and TV shows? It all depends on their maturity and mindset. Only you can judge when your kid is ready.

Toddler’s First Day of Preschool
You know it’s a big milestone in life when it’s […]
The Friendship Chapter: Does Parenthood Really Change Everything?
Since becoming pregnant, I joined a pregnancy forum. Surprisingly, most […]
Bringing in the New Year with One More On the Way!
Happy New Year everyone! And can I just say, thank […]
Go. Go. Go. (Because No Matter What, You Have to Try)
It’s been over a year since I wrote a blog […]