Whether you want to keep your kids occupied while preparing your Thanksgiving feast, or you want the kids to enjoy a fun activity together once the guests have arrived, these Thanksgiving crafts are fun, cheap, and easy to do for preschoolers and up! Plus, what kid doesn’t love getting to add to the holiday decor with their own creation?

Thanksgiving Turkey & Thankful Tree Craft Kit

For this activity, I created a fun (and simple) Thanksgiving Turkey and Thankful Tree cut out kit for my son. Click here to get the unlimited download file on my Life in Stepping Stones Etsy Shop. These activities were entertaining enough to keep my son occupied, yet simple enough to keep him from getting frustrated. For a kid who’s always on the move, I consider it a major win when I can get him to sit and enjoy an arts and crafts project!
Turkey Craft

What the Adults Do…

- Download the Turkey Cut-and-Paste Craft Sheet
- Print the sheet on thick card stock (I prefer 100 lb or 110 lb card stock)
- If your child is too young to cut easily themselves, cut the shapes out ahead of time
What the Kids Do…
- If you didn’t pre-cut, have your child cut the pieces out themselves
- Start by gluing the eyes, nose and the wattle onto the smaller circle (the head)
- Then, glue the arms and feet onto the larger circle (the body)
- Next, apply glue to the bottom of the head and attach it to the body.
- Finally, glue the head and body to the feathers.
- Or, do as my son did and let your child glue everything wherever they want to!
If you want to take this craft to the next level, check out my Friends TV Show Thanksgiving theme post, glue the turkey onto an empty picture frame, and make your very own Thanksgiving Turkey Gladys.
Thankful Tree Craft

What the Adults Do…
- Download the Thanksgiving Thankful Tree Cut-and-Paste Craft Sheet
- Print the sheet on thick card stock (I prefer 100 lb or 110 lb card stock)
- Have an extra sheet of card stock or construction paper for your kid to glue their tree onto (a blue colored sheet is best if available!)
- If your child is too young to cut easily themselves, cut the shapes out ahead of time

What the Kids Do…
- If you didn’t pre-cut, have your child cut the pieces out themselves
- First, glue the green grass and hills onto the extra sheet of paper.
- Then, glue the sun into the sky.
- Next, glue the tree onto the hill.
- Finally, glue each of the leaves to the branches.
What You Do Together…
- Ask your child what they’re thankful for.
- Then, let your child write down each of their answers on the leaves
- If your child is too young to write, write down their answers for them.
I hope your kids have as much fun with these crafts as my son did! As you can see by the picture below, I let him do his own thing and well, they didn’t quite turn out as planned…which, honestly, makes me cherish them even more.

Click here to get the unlimited download file on my Life in Stepping Stones Etsy Shop