On Thursday night, as I prepared to watch the White Collar finale, I was a bundle of nerves and excitement. I was hoping for the perfect ending and praying that it would not be another “Dexter” fiasco, or “How I Met Your Mother” for that matter.
I’ve studied TV shows for a long time. I’ve studied them for their patterns, their stories, and I truly believe that if a viewer loves a show so much, they should, without a doubt, know how it will end. The truth is, the point of the entire show should come full circle. You should know these characters so well that you can look at the finale and go, “That made perfect sense.”
And “White Collar” was exactly that. The perfect finale. Did I see the ending coming? Yes. In fact, an hour before I watched, my mom asked me on the phone what I thought would happen. I told her, “I think Neal and Mozzie may steal the money. I’m not sure if Neal will take it in the end though. But I think he’s going to fake his own death and then the show will flash forward a year later, show Peter and Liz with their baby, and then show that Neal is alive and well.”
Do I mind that I predicted this finale? Not at all. I gave a lot of thought to the different endings, and truthfully, nothing else made sense. The writers were never into the heavy, heart wrenching drama, so they weren’t going to kill Neal or Peter. I didn’t see the writers ending it with Neal off his anklet working for the FBI…that seemed too “Beverly Hills, 90210”, everything ends with a neat little bow. The ending “White Collar” gave was perfectly bittersweet.
Now, my main point of this blog post is not to just talk about my love for the finale. The point is, before I watched, I texted my parents (who were watching it before me!) and asked them, “Please tell me if this finale is a Dexter, a Chuck, or a Buffy.”
Yes. I have a TV show finale scale…and this is it.
A Perfect Ten
Tears were shed. Lives were lost. Favorite characters died. But the battle was epic, the writing was top notch, and the characters ended exactly where they were heading. The tone of the show always set the stakes high (no pun intended!) and it was no shock that they would kill off some favorite, main characters. It wouldn’t have made sense to kill Buffy because Buffy already died twice and came back. We all know she’d risk her life for the greater good. Buffy, since season one, had always wanted to be a normal girl. She never wanted to be the only chosen one with the weight of the world on her shoulders. And thanks to Willow’s spell, she never had to be again.
The Full Circle You Didn’t See

It took me a while to accept the ending of Chuck. However, once I accepted it, I realized how perfect it truly was. The show was never going to end with Chuck and Sarah running into the sunset together, quitting the spy life. That’s not what the show was about. In “Chuck vs. the Honeymooners”, the writers made it clear that Chuck and Sarah were spies at heart. But for five seasons, the other thing the writers made incredibly clear was that they were always there for each other. No matter what, they’d always come back to each other. Since the very first episode, Sarah sat down with Chuck on that beach and asked him to trust her. From that moment on, he trusted her with his life and she helped him become the confident spy and man he was meant to be. Flash forward five years later to Sarah having lost her memories. They’re now on that same beach and Sarah is feeling as lost as Chuck was five years earlier. Now, Chuck is asking the same from her. He’s asking her to trust him. Now, it’s his turn to help her become the amazing woman she’s meant to be.
This Is a Joke, Right?
Oh Dexter. As far as TV dramas go, this was the most devastating finale, EVER. For eight seasons, the show was about Dexter trying to rid himself of his dark passenger. It was about him realizing, or trying to convince himself, that he was more than a serial killer. Maybe he could be human after all. The show should’ve ended with the camera zooming out from his eye and revealing him on the electric chair. He had been caught, or he turned himself in. The viewer has to go with what they believe. But either way, he had spent this time on Death Row, reflecting on his past. Reflecting on what led him to this moment. Then, the moment he dies, he is finally, once and for all, at peace and rid of his Dark Passenger. That would’ve been perfect. But, oh no. They had to make him a lumberjack. And that was not, and will never be okay.
Those three shows are my basic scale. Of course, going more in depth, I have other shows I like to include too:
Everything is Too Perfect
For a show full of crazy drama, they sure had the least dramatic finale! Donna and David get married, Valerie is no longer evil and all smiles with Kelly, Felice throws her daughter a bachelorette party, Kelly and Dylan are meant to be after all, and the show ends with them all hugging on the dance floor with the theme song playing in the backgro
und. This is the perfect example of what happens when you get the “happy ending” finale. It’s just not right. Of course, I’d love to analyze how the show could’ve come full circle but for that, Brandon and Brenda would’ve still had to have been there. Since the show changed over and over again, I honestly don’t have a clear vision on how this one should’ve ended. Maybe the writers didn’t either!
This Breaks My Heart but OMG YAY!
It was crushing that Jen died. It was not something you saw coming. However, in the end, it led to Joey finally choosing Pacey…and seriously, what was more perfect that Joey choosing Pacey? The show from day one wasn’t about Joey and Dawson falling in love. It was about can their friendship survive their hormones and the ups and downs of adulthood? It was also about Dawson’s obsession with Spielberg. It was only fitting in the end that Dawson got the meet Spielberg and also could finally be happy for his best friend. Truthfully though, the show changed direction in Season 3 and became about Joey and Pacey. Dawson became the side character… Look, I’m going to come up with any reasoning I want for this ending because seriously, Joey and Pacey got back together and that is, and always will be, the only thing that matters.
This Can’t Be a Series Finale
The writers of Veronica Mars knew the show was most likely not being renewed, which is why this finale was so upsetting. The writers knew but they still wrote this episode as a season finale. It didn’t wrap things up and everyone was left in a state of despair. Veronica thought she ruined her dad’s career and Logan and Veronica were kaput. This ending made me hate the CW for the longest time and fear watching shows that didn’t get proper wrap ups. Luckily, the movie wrapped the show up and I can now watch the series finale as the season finale it was written to be.
This Is the Main Purpose
I know a lot of people weren’t satisfied with the Angel finale. But in my head, there were only two ways it could’ve gone. The way it did or with Angel shanshuing (becoming human). However, from the first episode, Angel’s point was that he wanted to help people and he would always fight for the greater good, no matter what. In the end, it didn’t matter if he lost or won the final battle. If he lost, that was it. The show was over. If he won, maybe he’d shanshu, or maybe he’d just fight the next battle that came his way. Either way, the final words, “Let’s get to work”, made perfect sense. There is nothing else he would’ve done.
Now…where did “White Collar” fall on this scale?
For me, when my parents told me the finale for “White Collar” was bittersweet, I’m not sure why, but I immediately expected a Chuck. Maybe it was because I was praying it wouldn’t be a Dexter but at the same time, I didn’t want to be devastated if it wasn’t a Buffy.
I am pleased to say that the White Collar finale was most definitely a Buffy. Neal wanted his freedom from day one but he’s also always cared about protecting the people he loves. Of course, the ironic part of this finale is that I don’t agree with the creator’s view on what happened. The creator believes that Neal went off to Paris to rob the Louvre because he couldn’t change in the end. The creator also believes that Peter smiled because he’s excited about the chase beginning again. Luckily, the show ended in a way where I can believe that Neal is helping the Louvre improve their security measures because he truly has changed. I can also believe that Peter smiled because his best friend isn’t dead. That to me is how the show ended. And to me, that was perfect.