Helping Your Child Find Their Passion

Helping Your Child Find Their Passion

As a parent of a young child, it can be so hard to figure out what our child will feel passionate about. Will that basketball we get them make them dream of being a pro athlete? Will that little piano be their first steps to being the next Mozart? Or will that doctor’s kit be their first steps to dreams of medical school? You just never know.

8 week ultrasound with rainbow baby

My Rainbow Baby Diary: Chapter 2 – “My Fears”

Getting through the second month was challenging to say the least. The symptoms would come and go and I was over analyzing every moment. Yet, the entire time, I had a little voice in my head telling me that this time, everything was going to be okay. I hope you enjoy reading chapter two of my rainbow baby diary, from the stressful moments to the wacky hormones, over-the-top reactions, and our first ultrasound.