I am Anne Frank and I am Rosa Parks books from the Ordinary People Change the World book series

The Most Important Activities to Discuss Discrimination with Your Preschooler

There are a lot of people who feel discrimination is too sensitive of a topic for young kids, yet kids of all ages don’t choose how their treated and they deal with discrimination on a daily basis. It’s extremely important to approach this topic head on, especially at a young age. I spent a day of homeschooling for my son complete with books and activities to teach him about the sensitive topic.

History in the making as my child watches Kamala Harris give her acceptance speech and becoming the first female vice president in the United States of America with the Biden presidency.

Why We Fight: New Beginnings with the Biden Presidency

I don’t normally talk politics but today I’m going to make an exception. As a parent, Saturday’s news has filled me with so much relief. For the past 4 years, I’ve wondered. How do you tell your children that being cruel and mean can make you the most powerful person in America? Now, I can tell my children that hate doesn’t make you a leader. I can tell my children that compassion, honesty, morality, and integrity does.