I saw White House Down today! I really enjoyed it. It was like watching all 8 seasons of 24 in one very condensed sitting! I was also very proud of the knowledge I gained from 24. I knew exactly what they were talking about in the movie when they mentioned The Vault and The Football. For those of you who don’t want to be spoiled about the movie (or 24 for that matter) DO NOT READ THE NEXT PARAGRAPH.

Here’s my list of White House Down/24 moments:
1) His daughter is taken hostage.
2) Air Force One was blown up with a fairly new president on board.
3) The bad guys wanted the nuclear football.
4) The White House was under attack.
5) People on the inside were the reason the White House was under attack.
6) The limo strike.
7) They try to take the president to the vault for safety.
8) He fought the Jack Bauer way. Everyone else died but Kale managed to survive and save the day.
While I admit the reviewers are right that the movie is unrealistic, why is that a big deal? Aren’t we supposed to see movies to try to escape from reality? At least this movie had a plot and descent acting unlike Die Hard 5…the worst action movie ever, in my opinion.
But on the topic of 24, who else is looking forward to it coming back next year?!? I just watched the show for the first time a few months ago and fell in love with (most of) it. I loved the first 5 seasons, thought season 6 was enjoyable, season 7 was great, and then completely zoned out in season 8. That season got just a little too ridiculous for me. I’m still trying to figure out how Jack found full body armor and found the bad guys within 10 minutes. I think they forgot that each episode was an hour of the day by that season. Regardless, I still can’t wait for the new mini season. I’m hopeful that if they’re bringing it back, it’s because they have ideas. Although, I do have on question. Since I own the “complete series” set (and it says that), shouldn’t that mean I get the new season for free? Otherwise it’s like false advertising, right?
I am so excited to watch Dexter and try out Ray Donovan. But, since my husband is working tonight, I’m going to wait for tomorrow to watch with him.
What were your thoughts on White House Down? Good, bad? Do you need realism to enjoy a movie? Anything else remind you of 24? Are you looking forward to the new season?
I know Willow looks forward to anything that gives her a reason to lie on the rug and get snuggles!

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