Authors Note
Before I begin, I just want to say how blown away I am by how many people have fallen in love with my rom com Sims 4 story I’ve been telling across social media. What started as just a way to pass the time as I’ve been dealing with long-Covid, became the key to keeping my spirits up and helping me feel better.
I managed to avoid Covid for two years with mask wearing, long enough to get myself vaxed and boosted, but my time finally came to catch this variant, and unfortunately, my body was far from thrilled. It’s been a battle for me to get better but I am improving, slowly, every day.
Following my sim Hannah’s journey started as just my usual Sims 4 gameplay. But somehow, it turned into a full blown rom-com that I have fallen in love with. The story of Hannah, a naive hopeless romantic, on her journey to find the one has inspired me to write. Growing up, I never saw myself as a writer. However, as an adult, I discovered how much I loved writing my own personal journey through my blog. I never imagined though that I could do creative writing. But here I am, turning Hannah’s story into, what hopefully becomes, a novel.
I don’t know how long it will take me to write but I’d love your support as I share it along the way. Leave comments, interact with me, share the story with others. It gives me so much happiness and inspires my creativity to no end to hear that someone else is invested in what I’m creating.
Without further ado, here is the prologue to The Story of Hannah McCoy (a Sims 4 Inspired Rom-Com Story).
If you’d like to see the Sims story I created, in pictures, that inspired this story, please visit and follow Sim Life Chronicles on Facebook and Instagram.

My name is Hannah McCoy and I’m 20 years old. Some people say my life is messy. I say, if you never make a mess, how will you ever have the chance to clean it up and find what you’re looking for?
It might sound silly, but sometimes I feel like I’m not even making my own decisions. Like there is a greater force telling me what I can and cannot do. I know. I sound ridiculous. And I hear you: I have to take responsibility for my choices. After all, there’s no one to blame but me I guess.
That’s the hardest lesson when you’re a young adult in your early 20s. As a kid, it was easy to blame mom and dad for that bear costume I wore for a week. I just wanted to feel seen. They were both always so busy… I had to get attention somehow.
I’m sure you understand.
But now I’m a grown up and I can’t even contact my parents. They just — dropped out of my life.
Sometimes I wonder if they were ever even there in the first place.
Maybe that’s where it comes from? My endless need to find love because I never felt it growing up. Despite that, I’ve always been one to look on the bright side of things. I’d drive my friends crazy back in high school, always giving some cliche cheerful advice. What can I say— I guess I’m better at trying to help others then helping myself.
I grew up in a small town called Willow Creek in the affluent neighborhood known as Sage Estates. As the daughter of Charles, a prominent Hedge Fund Manager, and Poppy, the Lead Litigator at Crumplebottom and Goth, there were high expectations. In high society, you’re expected to follow every rule, marry the man your parents have deemed worthy, and if you have any questions, well, that’s for the butler to do.
By the time I graduated, I entered the world with virtually no life skills. And I know what you’re going to say —
“Hannah, why didn’t you study and prepare yourself for the future?”
The truth is, I spent my high school years doing everything I could to rebel against my parents. There just wasn’t any time left to study. Besides, as long as they thought I was going to marry J Huntington III, nothing else really mattered.

When I became a young adult though, I was eager to start my own adventure. My parents were devastated when they learned I wasn’t going to marry J, and they cut me off from everything. I packed by bags, adopted my dog Buttercup, and moved to Sable Square in Brindleton Bay. The real estate was fairly cheap when we moved in and I was able to afford a small one bedroom home with the $20,000 grant I was given from the Willow Creek “Simoleons for Everyone” Fund — a grant that every young adult receives when they first move out onto their own. It’s pretty cool.
I was excited to live in Sable Square. My best friend from high school, Brent, lived right down the street with his new husband, Brant.
I know. Brent and Brant. Only Brent would marry someone with a name that rhymes with his own!
It was a relief to know I had a good friend in the neighborhood. We used to do so much together back in high school. Now when I hang out with him though, I feel a bit like a third wheel. Brant is nice and all, but we’ve never really clicked.
But every time I watch them together, I know that the love they have is the love that I want.
I may not have a lot of skills, or a career that I’m passionate about yet. But there is one thing I know with absolute certainty I want more than anything in my life — and that’s to fall in love.
So I set out on a mission: This year, I was going to find the one.
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