There is nothing a mother wants more than to protect her children but we are all currently helpless against mass shootings and gun violence.

The Resurrection of the Dreamer
When we opened our first restaurant, I was an eternal dreamer. By the time we closed, I was a heartbroken pessimist. Now I’m finding hope and finding myself again after everything felt lost.

A Love That Never Faltered (Following My Dreams)
From a young age, there was nothing I envisioned more than following my dreams and becoming a singer. But life took over and my passion didn’t just take a backseat, it wasn’t even on the road with me.

The Dangerous Mind Game of Emotional Abuse in the Workplace
What started as my dream job at 20 years old quickly turned into a unescapable nightmare of gaslighting. I wish I knew then how to recognize emotional abuse in the workplace, but I didn’t.

Confessions from a High School Dropout
There are many paths to take in life but most people believe school is the only one. When I became a high school dropout at 16, I feared for my future. Now at 31, I have no regrets.

My Rainbow Baby Diary: Chapter 2 – “My Fears”
Getting through the second month was challenging to say the least. The symptoms would come and go and I was over analyzing every moment. Yet, the entire time, I had a little voice in my head telling me that this time, everything was going to be okay. I hope you enjoy reading chapter two of my rainbow baby diary, from the stressful moments to the wacky hormones, over-the-top reactions, and our first ultrasound.

My Rainbow Baby Diary: Chapter 1 – “The Beginning”
I’ve had a secret. A big secret. A secret I’ve been hiding partially because I don’t want the world to know too soon after last time, but partially because I’m worried saying anything will jinx it.
Try. Try. and Try Again.
It’s almost that time again. That time I dread every […]
Singing with a Broken Heart
It’s done. It’s been exactly one week since I found […]
Late Night Thoughts
It’s 4am and I’m awake again. I’m not going to […]