There is nothing a mother wants more than to protect her children but we are all currently helpless against mass shootings and gun violence.

Goodbye, This is Us: Thank You For These 10 Amazing Lessons
This is Us may be ending but these 10 amazing lessons and Pearson family quotes aided my journey through motherhood and for that I will be forever grateful.

The Resurrection of the Dreamer
When we opened our first restaurant, I was an eternal dreamer. By the time we closed, I was a heartbroken pessimist. Now I’m finding hope and finding myself again after everything felt lost.

A Love That Never Faltered (Following My Dreams)
From a young age, there was nothing I envisioned more than following my dreams and becoming a singer. But life took over and my passion didn’t just take a backseat, it wasn’t even on the road with me.

The Dangerous Mind Game of Emotional Abuse in the Workplace
What started as my dream job at 20 years old quickly turned into a unescapable nightmare of gaslighting. I wish I knew then how to recognize emotional abuse in the workplace, but I didn’t.

Confessions from a High School Dropout
There are many paths to take in life but most people believe school is the only one. When I became a high school dropout at 16, I feared for my future. Now at 31, I have no regrets.

My Children are Opposites…and I Love Every Minute of It!
It’s no surprise that my children are opposites. Do I compare my children? No. But do I observe their differences so as their mother I can guide them the best I can? Absolutely.

The Preschool Bully
In life, we all encounter bullies at some point. Whether […]
The Friendship Chapter: Does Parenthood Really Change Everything?
Since becoming pregnant, I joined a pregnancy forum. Surprisingly, most […]
I’m a Helmet Baby Mom!
It was ten weeks ago when we found out our […]