It figures. The day after I create a blog, I get sick. So now I’m trying to write this with a fuzzy head! What a *fantastic* way to start out. I warn you all in advance: there is a chance this whole post could turn into gibberish.

On my last blog, I got two comments, both which I’m very excited about! Shel – I’m a secret Vercan shipper too! I love Logan and Veronica but I don’t know…I always wanted her with Duncan! Nancy, a Buffy movie would be AMAZING! Your comment by the way, has inspired this very blog post.

TV Shows that I Want Made into Movies.

1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Lets face it, a combo movie would be EPIC! This takes place without taking into account Season 8: After a group of slayers turn rouge, Buffy (who retired from her slayer duties) comes back to save the day and teams up with Angel Investigations/Wolfram and Hart. In my mind, Buffy and Spike will obviously end up together by the end of this movie.

2) Chuck
In all honesty, a Chuck movie would be awesome, but primarily because I just want to see that Sarah got all of her memories back and is living happily ever after as Mrs. Bartowski.

3) Tru Calling
I know this show wasn’t very popular but I loved it and I feel like us fans got the short end of the stick. If I could restart the day this show was canceled all over again, I would. I want to know what would’ve happened!

4) Roswell
Talk about depressing endings. I know Max and Liz ended up together and all but couldn’t it all have happened in a way where they didn’t all leave their families behind and get run out of town? I would love to see this group back and where they are all now!

And here is a show that should NEVER have a movie. In fact, I might pay money towards a campaign that keeps this from ever happening!

Beverly Hills, 90210
Love it or hate it, this show is a classic. That said, once they introduced Noah in season 8, the entire show (not just because of him) went down into a deep dark hole and never crawled out. It was clear the writers lost interest, the actors were all tired of their roles, and the corny script that we all love to hate had lost it’s amusement. Even though I still love re-watching this show for a laugh, it ended after 10 crazy years and there is really no reason to ever see what happened next.

Now onto the show that is being given a movie: Veronica Mars. Another cast announcement was made today! Krysten Ritter (who I loved on “Don’t Trust the B–“, hmm maybe that should have a movie?), has been announced to reprise her role as Gia! So here’s the list of actors they have so far:

Kristen Bell
Enrico Colantoni
Jason Dohring
Percy Daggs III
Chris Lowell
Tina Majoriini
Francis Capra
Christine Lakin
Amanda Noret
Sam Huntington
Brandon Hillock
Kevin Sheridan
Jonathan Chesner
Krysten Ritter

That leaves TEDDY DUNN, RYAN HANSEN, MAX GREENFIELD, KEN MARINO, and AARON ASHMORE left on my list of people that I am hoping to see back. And let me just say this: I will be disappointed if Ryan Hansen doesn’t return as Dick Casablancas. He was in the Kickstarter video for goodness sakes! I think we all expect him to return!
I should also mention that the locations for the first week of filming has been announced! And here they are:
Location 1: 405 Mateo St., Los Angeles, CA, 90013
Location 2: 530 Molino St, Los Angeles, CA, 90013
These scenes are filming throughout the week from 6/18 to 6/21. On the 18th, they’ll be shooting from 8pm to 2am, the 19th from 10am to 2am, the 20th from 3pm to 4am, and the 21st from 3pm to 6am.
So, what TV shows do you want turned into movies? Which ones would you pay NOT to have made into a movie? And finally, will you be angry and shocked if Ryan Hansen isn’t announced in these next few days?
Here’s my picture of the day. My husband Gwith and I ended up in Long Beach two days ago and got a glimpse of the new season of Dexter. Granted, we got there after they finished shooting for the afternoon, but we did get a lovely look at the props. Really bad spoiler alert: Someone died. There were crime scene vehicles, a stretcher, a dummy body, and a smashed up bicycle. As I said, really bad spoiler. It’s pretty much just your average crime scene that you see in every episode of Dexter. Still, it was awesome to see the props!!
***UPDATE: RYAN HANSEN has been announced!! YAY!***

6 Replies to “TV Shows That Should Be Turned Into Movies”

  1. I'd pay for them not to do a Heroes movie. :-O I still can't believe they want to bring that back…OMG–Gia!?! Now there's an announcement I didn't see coming. That's AWESOME! And Christine Lakin…I have a vague memory of seeing her as *someone* on VM, but mostly I just think of Step by Step haha.

  2. Oh my gosh! YES! A Heroes movie should NEVER EVER happen! I can't believe I forgot to list that. I knew I was forgetting something! And Christine Lakin played Susan Knight in “Mars vs. Mars”.

  3. I always wanted to see a Quantum Leap movie, but it's probably too late. Loved your post today, and itwasn't gibberish! By the way, ai noticed some names missing from the VM list, maybe they didn't survive the three seasons?

  4. Nice post Justine. I like the plot summary for Buffy and — for the record — i always wished she would end up with Spike. As for Chuck — yes, I would like that to come back for the same reasons you cite. and i am afraid that a reprise of 90210 woud be like the current TV series — a pale imitation of the original.Bring back CHARMED and bring back Pru when you do! (and the post was not gibberish).

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