Today is Monday, which mean I get to talk about another one of my songs today! Today, I’m going to talk about the inspiration behind the second song on my album, “What Went Wrong”.
I wrote this song when I was 17. At 17, being dumped felt like the end of the world, even if in retrospect, I can’t for the life of me figure out why I even liked this guy! We only dated for about a month, but at 17, I suppose a month felt like an eternity. Regardless, the feelings of heartbreak are the same at any age and it’s something we all have to go through. Shortly after this guy dumped me, I was sitting in my parents basement, crying. The previous song I talked about, “Mystical Vibe”, was as I said, inspired by the love I dreamed about. Before “What Went Wrong”, every song I wrote was inspired by dreaming and fantasizing. Finally, with this song, my feelings became very real, and for the first time, I wrote from my heart and my own experience. Looking back, there’s nothing that I did wrong. There’s nothing that any of us do wrong. But it sure does feel like it at the time, doesn’t it? “What Went Wrong” releases on my CD “Stepping Stone” July 15th on iTunes! A ringtone version will also release the same day.

Do not read ahead if you have yet to see this week’s Dexter.
Wow! It was a great start to the finale season of Dexter! We’ve seen Dexter unravelling more and more the past few years and now it’s all crashing down. Deb was right. He needs her. Without her, he’s slipping. Unfortunately, Deb is no longer in a place where she can help Dexter. I feel so terrible for her. Of course, is it odd that since after 8 years, I’m naturally on the side of Dexter, that I want her to forgive him too and come back to being his sister? I miss the Deb/Dexter bond. It’s very hard to see her so angry at him and also having a death wish.
Boy. Harrison is really growing up! I’m curious how at his age, he’s going to play into the season. If Dexter has to throw out Harrison’s favorite toy, do you think anyone will notice it’s gone missing? It’s the little things that could cause Dexter to slip up even further.
Doctor Vogel. Do you think she’s good or evil? She clearly knows about psychopaths, Harry’s Code, and Dexter’s drawings, which leads me to believe that she knew Dexter as a child. By the previews, it seems like she supports Dexter. But, I never know what to believe by the scenes. Somehow, this show always seems to surprise me by the end.
What do you think is going to happen? How do you think this season is going to end? Will Dexter die? Will he go to prison? Will he finally be rid of the Dark Passenger? Since I can remember, I always thought that maybe eventually Dexter would get rid of his dark passenger. But now, I feel like that is becoming harder and harder to believe. He seems like instead of getting better, he’s getting worse. Things are going to come to a head one way or another by the end of the show and I can not wait to see it all unfold!
End of Dexter talk.
Final topic for today: Gwith and I are taking a dance lesson tonight! We’re so excited! Whenever I go to fill out those forms though at dance studios about “what I’d like to learn”, it’s always so hard to choose! I want to learn salsa, swing, waltz, samba, etc. etc. Basically any dance that we can be taught, I want to learn it. I also have this silly fantasy to dance the full dance from Dirty Dancing. Although, I’m pretty sure I’d freak out trying the lift! But hey, maybe one day. I definitely want to learn this spin eventually:
Did you ever date a Mr. Wrong who seemed so right? What do you see Dexter’s fate being? Or Deb’s for that matter? Is there any type of dance you want to learn?
Have a great day everyone!
I've always loved “What went wrong”, fortunately, I married the first person I fell in love with:). I think that Dr. Vogel was Harry's consultant!