Read Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven
As I entered the third month of my pregnancy, I still dealt with nerves but my super-smelling nose had definitely taken on a life of it’s own. My favorite story is in this chapter, when my husband came home smelling like the food he ate and had to jump threw an insane amount of hoops just to please me.
As my sense of smell and my nausea got stronger, our son was a real trooper. He’s only 4 and yet he constantly helped me, and helped himself to snacks and drinks while I couldn’t even enter the kitchen without being sick. He constantly cuddled up to me in bed, asking me how I was feeling, rubbing my head, and telling me to feel better. He didn’t even know yet that I was pregnant and he looked after me so well. I can’t wait to see him as a big brother. He’s going to be amazing.
– Justine
November 2, 2019
Nothing says your pregnant more than craving the one thing you’ve absolutely hated your whole life. Today I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And, I enjoyed it. I honestly had to wrestle with my own brain on the decision to eat it because it still sounds disgusting to me, even as it tasted amazing. Anyways, not really much else to report but I had to save this memory forever because through my past pregnancies, I never craved something I hated so much. That is definitely a new experience for me.
November 5, 2019
I had my second ultrasound yesterday. All is still well. The baby has grown perfectly this past week and the heartbeat is 160. It made me so happy to see the little feet and hands on the ultrasound image this time around. I just need to get through this next month. Every week feels like a waiting game as I fear the other shoe to drop. However, I’m staying positive and the weekly appointments are definitely helping.
On a separate note, I have to give a shoutout to my wonderful son. We haven’t told him yet but he has been so helpful to me. We’ve told him that I’m nauseous and not feeling well (although he’s repeated this to his teacher at school so good luck to me keeping this secret!). The past couple of weeks he’s been getting me food from the refrigerator because I can’t stand the smells, and he’s been filling up his plastic cup of water and bringing me drinks. He even tried giving me a foot massage yesterday! All of this makes me so excited to see him as a big brother. I think he’s going to be very attentive. I’m just so proud of him.
November 26, 2019
What the heck? I’ve told my husband specifically not to eat smelly foods and what does he do? He goes to Whole Foods an hour before coming home and eats steamed vegetables.
Okay. I suppose him eating away from home should be good enough. Apparently not according to my super smelling powers. He arrived home, tucked our son into bed, and came to join me in the bedroom to watch Friends. As he sat down in bed, all I could smell was this horrible stench. I proceeded to demand he brush his teeth immediately. Like the loving husband he is, he quickly ran off to brush. When he returned, the smell was still there! So naturally, I told him to strip down and shower because the smell must be all over him somehow. He responded with, “but you hate the smell of my body wash.” This led to him unfortunately having to use my Twisted Peppermint body wash from Bath & Body Works. He arrived back to bed, fresh from the shower, only for me to still smell this dreadful smell. The only thing I could think now was that it was somehow seeping out of his pours. I then proceeded to hand him my Twisted Peppermint lotion (which is far stronger than the body wash) to rub all over his arms. The smell was finally taken care of (thank god), but unfortunately for him, he, in his own words “smelled like a frosted candy cane”. The next day, he showered before work and yet he still got asked by a friend, “Dude, why do you smell all pepperminty?”
So the moral of the story is for all of the husband’s out there with pregnant wives, don’t eat smelly foods unless you want to smell like your wife’s girly candy cane smelling body wash for the rest of your life.
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Read Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven