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April 26, 2020
On Tuesday, I will officially be 34 weeks pregnant! In some ways, this pregnancy has felt so long and in other ways, it feels like it’s going by in the blink of an eye.
For the past week, I was experiencing what I assumed to be Braxton Hicks. The past couple of days, they have become much more intense and yesterday I spent the morning in fear that I may be in preterm labor. Yesterday morning, for what seemed like an eternity, every time I sat, or walked, or twisted, I ended up having contractions. Not Braxton Hicks, uncomfortable contractions. Full on I want to keel over in pain, I can’t move, I have to breath my way through this, contractions. Worried, I began to time them. The times were close together but still very inconsistent and the length they lasted for depended on what movement I was making. The only way they calmed down (albeit they still didn’t go away) was when I was lying down in bed. Around 2pm in the afternoon, everything stopped and my body went back to my normal daily pregnancy aches – her pushing into my hips, kicking me in the ribs, the occasional Braxton Hicks tightening sensation, etc.
I’ll be talking to my doctor on Tuesday but from reading other women’s stories, and researching online, it seems I may be experiencing whats called prodromal labor. Prodromal labor is basically the feeling of being in labor without actually being in labor. It comes with intense and painful contractions, daily, sometimes lasting for hours and even can follow some sort of a pattern. The difference is though that it eventually tapers off during the day, doesn’t actually progress like labor, and some women can start feeling them a month or more before giving birth. There’s apparently nothing that can be done, other than feeling miserable and crippling over with pain until you just crawl into bed and wait for it to pass every day. Needless to say, it’s been a fun time.
Learn More About Prodromal Labor:;
May 4, 2020
I went a week without any of the same contraction pains. Braxton Hicks, sure. But nothing like what I had last Saturday. Last night, however, I had the worst pains again for hours on end. I couldn’t fall asleep until after 3 am. I’m so thankful for my wonderful husband though. Even though he was so tired, he stayed up with me, watched Friends, rubbed my belly, and comforted me through it all.
Once again, it obviously wasn’t labor. But damn, it definitely felt like it. The pain radiated from my back, down my legs, and around my stomach, just like real contractions do. Of course, she was also moving throughout, which is less likely during real contractions! Every time she moves though, I feel like my hips are being crushed. I’m going to be 35 weeks along tomorrow and I can’t even imagine what these next few weeks will be like.
Based off of my off and on prodromal labor pains, I’m guessing I’ll have her before she’s due. Bailey arrived at 39 weeks and I’m betting she arrives somewhere around 38… but we’ll see! Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my part. The joke will probably be on me and after all of these scares, she’ll come at 41.

Meanwhile, we’ve been busy getting the nursery ready for our girl’s arrival, and finding new ways to keep our son occupied during this period of isolation. It’s been such a challenge for all of us, but him especially, as the weeks have progressed. This past week he’s made comments about wanting to see his friends and saying that he’s not allowed to do anything anymore. It makes me so sad to see him like this and he’s been rebelling a lot. Who can blame him? It’s hard enough as an adult to deal with everything going on, but for a 4 year old, it’s absolutely impossible to understand. I hope for his sake circumstances start to change and things begin to ease up. While we wait, however, he has started Facetiming his closest friends, which has helped him this past week! Gwith is also building him a sandpit in the backyard. That is one of the things he misses most about the park (other than a slide…but I have no idea where that would go!). I know a lot will change when our baby girl makes her appearance, but between Bailey’s excitement for being a big brother and his need for something new during this time, I think he’s really going to appreciate having a baby sister around to help with.
Read Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven