From a young age, there was nothing I envisioned more than following my dreams and becoming a singer. But life took over and my passion didn’t just take a backseat, it wasn’t even on the road with me.

The Dangerous Mind Game of Emotional Abuse in the Workplace
What started as my dream job at 20 years old quickly turned into a unescapable nightmare of gaslighting. I wish I knew then how to recognize emotional abuse in the workplace, but I didn’t.

The 18 Year Old Boss: Focus on the Journey
It can be hard finding success in life. But success is subjective, isn’t it? It’s time I evolve my mindset and focus on the journey not the destination.

How to Throw an Epic Secret Agent Birthday Party
Unfreeze time at the most epic Secret Agent Birthday Party. Kid spies will search for clues, dust for fingerprints, defuse the time bomb piñata, and more!

Confessions from a High School Dropout
There are many paths to take in life but most people believe school is the only one. When I became a high school dropout at 16, I feared for my future. Now at 31, I have no regrets.

My Children are Opposites…and I Love Every Minute of It!
It’s no surprise that my children are opposites. Do I compare my children? No. But do I observe their differences so as their mother I can guide them the best I can? Absolutely.

How to Make Positive Screen Time For Kids
Is screen time truly bad for your child? Positive screen time can aid your child’s educational experience from learning to read to coding & creating 3D designs!

How to Make a Shimmer and Shine Birthday Cake
How to make a Shimmer and Shine Birthday Cake and Smash Cake for your child’s birthday! Gluten Free and Dairy Free cake and frosting recipes included!

Gluten Free Chanukah Cookies That Everyone Will Love!
Bake with your kids this Hanukkah with a Gluten Free Chanukah Cookies recipe that everyone can enjoy with dreidel, Star of David & menorah cookie cutter shapes.

The Best Picture Books Adapted from Famous Movies & TV Shows
Your holiday gift list ideas for the best children’s picture books adapted from your favorite movies & TV shows from Friends, Buffy, Back to the Future & more!